Take Charge of your Health  with these tiny seeds

 Chia Seeds are packed with at least 11  health benefits for both the body and brain, with very few Calories.  You can find these seeds  in most markets. They do not need a lot of processing, and  can be soaked in juice, any type of milk, added to pancakes, porridge, pudding, smoothies, or added to baked goods. They can be used to thicken sauces and as an egg substitute in recipes. 

Inspired by my  daughter, Shayna. When you have Cravings on those days when you need something sweet and healthy.

Try this:

Very Simple and healthy  Snack

Chia Pudding: Chocolate Pea Milk(2 cups) and chia seeds( a good source of Omega three fatty acids) ¼ cup of chia seeds( a 4/1 ratio). Let this soak overnight for the best results 

Health Benefits

*Chia Seeds are loaded with antioxidants that protect the delicate fats in the seeds. This prevents the conversion to free radicals , a  potential cause of cell damage, ageing and diseases like cancer.

*Almost all of the Carbs  in these tiny seeds  is from Fiber

*High in  quality protein, a good balance of essential amino acids. Also a weight loss dietary nutrient. Protein can  actually lower appetite.

*High in Omega -3 Fatty Acids(ALA: Alpha linolenic acid) .

*Related to the Mint family

A one  ounce/ 2 Tablespoon (28 grams)  serving of chia seeds contains

*11 grams of fiber. These feed the friendly bacteria in your gut, keeping your gut flora well, crucial for health.

*12 grams of carbohydrates

*4 grams of protein

*9 grams of fat(5 which are  omega -3 fatty acids, an essential fatty acid)

*18% of the RDI (Recommended Dietary Intake) for Calcium

*30% of the RDI for Manganese

*30% of the RDI for Magnesium

*27% of the RDI for Phosphorus

Also contains zinc, Niacin, potassium, Thiamine and Riboflavin

*137 Calories(101 Calories if you subtract the   fiber which is mostly indigestible,

*gluten free

*usually grown organically and non-GMO.

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size1tbsp (28 grams)
Amount Per Serving
% Daily Value *
Omega 3 Fatty Acids 5g
Protein 4g
Calcium18 %g %
Manganese 30% RDI
Phosphorus 27% RDI
Magnesium 30% RDI

*May reduce the blood levels of inflammatory markers